This time last year...

Last summer at this time we were driving home from our annual family trip to Lake Havasu. We had rented an RV and were making the hot 5+ hour drive home. I was in so much pain from driving the wave runners, riding in boats, and tubing. I was in so much pain that we had to stop by Matt's urgent care so I can get a Toradol shot. This shot is administered for extreme pain, such as kidney stones. When this was not working, Matt knew something was more serious than my usual pelvic pain.  Who would have ever thought that that was the day that would change the rest of my life. That next week I was off to appointments everyday...OB, ultrasound, MRI, and blood work.

I am now pain free and cancer free! I have gained more strength back this past month than I've had in over a year. Minutes will go by without thinking about cancer. This is my re-do summer and I'm loving it! #fcancer


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