St. Peregrine Patron Saint of Cancer

Over the summer I attended a few Catholic courses for school/work. One question that came up was, "Who is the most Catholic/Christian person you know?" I felt so blessed to know so many people, especially since Elizabeth and Maddy know them all too. I narrowed mine down to Melanie Joyce. Melanie is the religion teacher for our Kinders - 5th grade. I feel so honored to know such an angelic person. She literally walks into our classroom with a halo around her head, angels singing, and an aura around her as if she's glowing! It's what you would imagine a living angel would look like! 😇 Not only is she a living angel, but when we all went to the beach she brought her boggie board and went into the ocean with all of our kids! Melanie gave me this St. Peregrine prayer card along with anointing oil that was blessed by a priest. I thank God for such an amazing, generous, most Catholic person my family has ever met. Not only is she my co-worker, friend, mentor, but when you watch her teach you can actually feel God is with us too!

⇒ Aggressive Treatments Have Begun

Today was the first day of my aggressive chemo that is targeted straight into my abdomen. I feel ok tonight. Very bloated, but I'm happy to let the chemo do it's job and kill off all this microscopic cancer cells. Time will tell as they had said tomorrow and the days following will probably be bad days. 🙏😔


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