Finding the Purpose

As I navigate my way to the end of this painful journey, I have asked myself this question a billion make that 2 billion..."God, what is my purpose of this pain?" Is my purpose to help others with the same disease? I asked my oncologist that question last week. Her response, which I LOVE, "You're one of the youngest. Most women are 20 years older than you." I would be reaching out to women with a much different path than mine. Is my platform littler? Perhaps my experience is to help others be an advocate for themselves? Whatever God's plan is for me, I know it's to help others somehow...friends, family, strangers, or acquaintances? I have enough words (bad and good) to say about cancer in the back of my pocket!

Next month marks my next scan and the last maintenance chemo! Send prayers this way and then LET'S PARTY!!!


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