New Normal
Last week we sat down and discussed my "New Normal." Even though the tumor was removed and I received a tremendous amount of chemo there are scans, tests, blood work, and maintenance chemo ahead. Tomorrow I go in for my baseline CT scan. This will need to be done yearly. 3 weeks from now, I will begin my maintenance chemo. It's a mild form. In other words, no side affects and my hair will still start to grow in. This will occur every 3 weeks. Next month, I will under go the "hot chemo." Every 3 months I will get my blood work done to make sure all my numbers stay "normal." This all sounds like a lot s*it (which it is), but I am healthy, happy, and my prognosis is excellent. In fact, when we were talking with my oncologist she had said she's never had anyone go through all 6 cycles of this from of chemo! All of her patients stop at either the 2nd or 3rd cycle. So I guess that means there's more BLING to add on to my something sparkly! 😁
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