
A friend of mine told me about this amazing documentary called, Heal. They ask the question-Has our world and food become so toxic that illness is inevitable? When diagnosed with cancer or any other chronic disease, you first ask yourself, " Did I bring this on myself? Did I help this disease creep into my life?" For me I know how the cancer got here-my endometriosis. Endometriosis is inflammation and inflammation stimulates cancer cell growth. I feel lucky! I feel lucky because of the fact I know how and why I have cancer. What about the millions of other people who don't know how they got it? What about all the millions of people who fear of getting cancer? Are we at the mercy of some random fate? Or is something going on that we are not aware of? So many questions! This incredible documentary describes fear. If we stay in fear and resistance, we not only waste valuable energy to heal, we are closed off to information and possibility. What is the pain trying to tell us? It creates space so it can come into our awareness.

Tomorrow morning I finally go in for laproscopic surgery. My oncologist is finally going to take out the port in my abdomen. The one in my chest will stay in for 2 years. My doctor will take samples internally and send off for biopsy. I will dreadfully wait a week for the results to hear I'm cancer free! My oncologist also has requested me to not return to work for a month so I can HEAL.

Please keep me in your prayers and if you have any documentaries you recommend, send those names to me-I'm hooked!


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