Wounded Soldier

I think the hardest part of cancer treatment is the end. Everyone has assumed I am "cured" and I no longer need help. When I first was diagnosed with cancer, I was on a mission. I automatically went into "fight" mode. Now I am at my weakest state. My body has been beaten and I'm trying to put all the pieces back together, but I no longer have the mission to beat the cancer as I had at the beginning of the journey. The cancer is toast, but so am I. I'm like a wounded soldier. I need help putting myself back together. Only now, everyone has gone home and has assumed the war is over.

The dust has settled a bit since I found out that the insurance company wouldn't cover the hot chemo. I wanted to break down this wall. How could it come down to 3 doctors, who don't even know me?!?! Instead, I'm only allowed to remove the first brick on top of the wall.

We spoke to my oncologist and she is confident that without this procedure, my chemo that I've already received, is sufficient enough. At the end of the month, I will have a laparoscopy surgery where she will finally take out the port in my abdomen. She will also take samples for biopsy. We will wait a week and see if there are any of those bastard cancer cells left over. Please keep me in your prayers as I undergo this procedure and pick up the pieces so my family and I can resume our "normal" life.


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