Covering It Up With A Smile

I feel so fortunate that on a daily basis I receive calls, texts and emails asking how I am doing? Obviously some days are better than others, but the truth of the matter is...pretty crummy. I've always known a smile goes a long way...especially around my girls. When I returned for another round of chemo after the aggressive one, my chemo nurse had said I was the first patient to return with a smile. If I smile then I'm...fine, good, better, or even taking the treatment well??? Imagine every second of the day in pain. Somewhere in my body aches. Whether it be nausea, bone pain, headaches, abdominal cramps, or being shaky. If I smile does it make it go away??? It's a good front! It makes me feel like I have some kind of power in this.  I am so blessed by all your support. This is what keeps me going. I do apologize for being so behind on my thank you notes to all of you! I promise to get them out soon. 💗


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