First Dance

This is! No hair, no eyebrows, pimples like a teenager, weak in the knees, and bloated cheeks.

Last Friday, Elizabeth had her first middle school dance. That same day I had another treatment that was mildly aggressive. I asked my chemo nurse to up my steroids so I can help E get ready and be there to drop her off and hang out with the other moms. I got to be a regular mom for a short bit!

Elizabeth was asked to join the middle school leadership team this year. Part of her role was to help choose a theme for her first dance. They had voted on Disney. It was an adorable theme and all the kids looked so excited! In fact, while we were walking up, E and her friends couldn't wait and rushed right in. I had also heard she was the first one on the dance floor...that's my girl!

I definitely took a hit the next morning, but it was all worth it! I wasn't down like I was all week last week. This week is my week to have off and heal!


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