Dark Days

1 week ago I received one of the most aggressive chemo treatments you can get for ovarian cancer. I was warned of the many side effects and sure enough I was lucky to have just about all of them! For 6 days straight I felt as if I was staring out to nowhere land. I couldn't even begin to tell you what happened last Saturday and Sunday. Every piece of my body hurt...some of my toes and fingers felt numb. As I was laying there, the pain was so bad I thought if I closed and squeezed my eyes tight enough, I could break into millions of pieces. The nausea was so bad, just the thought of food made me want to vomit. Today is the first day I've felt somewhat better to sit up and type. Just as I am feeling better and could take a deep breath without any pain, I go in for the same treatment tomorrow! This last week was filled with dark days, I now know what to expect for my second round of dark days!


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