Still a Cancer Patient

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The alarm still goes off at 6am. Only now I'm not making breakfast every morning for the girls. I am getting ready for work. I have received the most amazing compliments from teachers, parents, and students. Although I may look like I have it together from the outside, there is still so much pain going on in the inside. Not so much where I can't make it through the day, but pain that gets me knocked down as soon as I get home. We get back home and I immediately take off my wig. My head hurts and it's now beginning to itch. Elizabeth and I discover my hair is starting to grow in, however I look like a chia pet! It's thin and fuzzy, but I will take it! I am so thankful it's finally starting to grow. Although my eyelashes and eyebrows unfortunately have not. I pray that this new chemo does not delay any growth. 

I keep boasting about a new year, a new house, a new me!!! What sadly comes with the new year is new insurance and new problems! I have my first maintenance chemo treatment tomorrow. Today I get a call that our new insurance requires me to pay the full amount of our deductible. Something we haven't done in the past, but we are at the insurance company’s mercy. Each treatment is $9,000! So what is a cancer patient to do, but pay! Bastards!


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