Am I Dead?

The alarm goes off. I open my eyes. Am I dead or just in tremendous pain? I slowly get up to start making breakfast for the girls. Every inch of my body is aching. My stomach is weak and nauseous. The thought of making food makes me gag. The girls have come up with a funny game on their own that if they make gag reflex noises, it makes me gag. I go along with the game because it makes them giggle. The hour I have with them in the morning means so much. Even though I want to crawl back into bed and shrivel into a ball. Speaking of ball, here's my bald round head! The only hair left I have on my body are a few eyelashes. I wear comfy beanies all day. I tend to wear my beautiful wigs when I go outside. That will have to be my next post. Thank you to all who have contributed to my wig fund! It means so much to me that you have been so so generous. I apologize again for being so late on my thank you notes. This last month has been a horrible obstacle to say the least. I also want to thank you all for helping out with the girls. All the meals have been delicious and much needed. Your phone calls and cards in the mail have touched my heart. Even a little text to say you were thinking of me puts a huge smile on my face! Matt is an incredible man, but he can't do it all. So thank you to all our amazing friends and family!


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