Make New Friends, But Keep The Old...

Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver, the other is gold.

A circle is round, it has no end.
That's how long, I will be your friend.
A fire burns bright,  it warms the heart.
We've been friends, from the very start.
You have one hand, I have the other.
Put them together, We have each other...
I was a proud Girl Scout growing up...9 years to be exact. This was a my favorite song that we sang, ritually. As you grow older, your social needs change. If you're lucky enough to keep friends at all stages in your life, consider your relationship GOLDEN!!! 
These beautiful women are women I've known through my awkward, quirky, up to no good teenage years! How lucky am I that they still, to this day, support and love me so much! Even though we don't speak regularly, I thank God for social media that we are able to keep in touch. I  also thank God we didn't have social media our teenage years! 😂😇 I  love you all! Your fire burns bright and it warms my heart! 🔥💞
The "mac daddy" of this group is my dear friend, Christine Lyons. Christine is the pure image of friendship. She was as a teenager and still is to this day. Christine was the one who started our wrist band revolution. I feel we share a special bond because Christine is also suffering from a devastating disease, Multiple Sclerosis. When I was first diagnosed with cancer, she was one of the first of my friends to reach out and say she was here for me. Pretty special lady especially when she herself has been brought down to knees some mornings just trying to get out of bed. Christine, you are thoughtful without thinking and you always share without expecting anything in return. How lucky are WE to have you in our lives! 😍


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