What's your purpose?

I have no idea? Have you ever been to church and felt like the homily was speaking to you? This was the topic of the homily at my church this past Sunday. If you were to ask me what my purpose is just a few days ago, I would have said, a teacher! I googled "What's your purpose" and this is what I found. It is missing God within the definition. "Purpose is a conversation between GOD,  your heart and the heartaches of the world." I always knew my purpose was to serve God by being a teacher. I serve God by educating our future...or is it? Well we all know it's not for the money! Is my path in life getting wider? Is my path taking me in a different direction? I know I will always be a teacher, but is God giving me this heartache so I can serve Him in other ways?

Some people have told me that my cancer experience is just a "little bump in the road." It will be all over one day. I will look back and it will be just a distant memory. First of all, this is not a "little bump in the road!!!" This is a major head on collision into a wall! I have not totaled my vehicle, but it is pretty damaged! Now the damaged vehicle is in the repair shop. It'll be there for at least 6 months. The vehicle will be fixed, but still have some internal scares...for the rest of its life! So people...don't ever use the term, "little bump in the road" when referring to someone battling cancer! Also don't ever use the adjective, little! This is one of those times where if you are reading this and you have actually said this to me, I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable. Honestly, I don't remember who you are because my memory of things the last few months are vague. Remember....Chemo Brain?!?!

What's your purpose? I don't know now, but maybe God is speaking to me and I haven't figured it out yet.


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