In God's Hands

Yesterday and today I had my treatments. Today's chemo was the most aggressive you can get. This will put me down for the next few days. Matt and I met with my oncologist and we received some amazing news! My tumor's biopsy came back without any major concerns. I don't carry any mutations to pass on to any family members nor my tumor. Interesting fact, tumors that are cancerous can carry different mutations than the human itself. My doctor continued on with great news, the genetic testing I had done last month also came back with no major concerns. This all confirms that the endometriosis I had for so long is indeed the reason for my ovarian cancer. It's rare someone my age would experience this at such a young age...I guess I should go play the lottery! If you or anyone you know has endometriosis, please have it checked out! Don't ignore the signs! Be an advocate for someone you know!

This is one of my favorite quotes! I pray everyday...sometimes a couple times! These next few days I will be praying even more! I pray my dark days turn grey, I pray I'm able to remain strong in front of my daughters, I pray my husband doesn't feel the burden upon his shoulders, I pray for my parents and they realize they have raised one strong badass (sorry Father Damien), I pray for my current students (some I haven't even met yet) that they understand I will be back and they will have an amazing end of elementary experience, and I pray for all cancer patients that they believe in God's healing. AMEN


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