I get knocked down...but I get up again

I had the pleasure of having a week off of chemo. When my oncologist had talked to us about my chemo schedule, she had me go in for 3 weeks in a row with a week off. I didn't want any weeks off.  I want this over with! The doctor had discussed not only does my body need it, mentally I would need it too. I guess that's why she's the professional because I really did need it. I was able to do more activities this last week than I had since the beginning of summer! Feeling normal??? Sort of...some would say the "new normal" for now! Resilient...yes! Proud of it!

Tomorrow and Friday I return to my schedule.  I will receive treatment tomorrow and discuss with my oncologist the results of the biopsy of the ugly tumor...and it's the big one on Friday. If it's anything like last time, I will be down for 6 days. Bored, tired, achy, nauseous, break outs, etc. I will get knocked down, but I will get up again!


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