20 Years

Today marks my 20th year of teaching! It is the first day of school for our new middle schooler and 6th grader Elizabeth!
Also, our little Maddy is now a 4th grader!
Big day for the Zeller girls! Elizabeth was cute last night, as she was so nervous! This girl has her whole schedule color coded. Maddy was so excited to get to see all her old friends and ready to make new ones. 

I had a moment...actually a few...I was selfishly sad and angry! This is a special year! It's not everyday you can say you've been at your job 20 years and absolutely love it! I'm angry because I don't get to celebrate with my new little kiddos. I know this whole thing is a small bump in the road, but this bump sucks and I want to drive really fast past it and never look back! I want a redo when I return back to school in a few "short" months. Who's with me????🙋


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