This is Linda...

Linda is Matt's partner (family doctor in his Kolvita office), she's a mom, wife, awesome friend, fantastic gift basket creator, and Breast Cancer Survivor! Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer at 30 years old. She was in the beginning of her medical career with 2 young children under the age of 4. Talk about not having time for cancer.

Tonight she took me out for a glass of wine--I actually had 2--to chat about what to expect. It's a conversation you don't want to have, but I feel so grateful to have it with Linda. Ironically our waitress' name was Sunshine! We discussed nutrition, hydration, dark days, tiredness, chemo regimen, hair loss, wigs, not feeling yourself for a whole year, making sure to apologize to people now for possibly being too honest because of "chemo brain". So---if ever I say anything offense within the next few months, I apologize!

Having the physical strength is not the only thing that will get someone through their battle with cancer, but it's mental strength too.  Linda said her song that pumped her up and kept her going was, "I get knocked down, but I get up again..." I realize I will get knocked down, there will be bad days, horrible days, but I will persevere.


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