What To Expect When You're....

Ladies, do you remember when you were pregnant for the first time? Probably one of the first books you read was "What To Expect When You're Expecting". I remember reading this book while pregnant with Elizabeth, so happy. I was laying on my stomach. Then I get to the part where they say, "DON'T EVER LAY ON YOUR STOMACH!" I already was the worst mom ever and I had not even given birth yet. The past week and a half has felt just like that.

⇒What To Expect When You're About To Start Chemo...
  • Dairy or No Dairy?
  • Carbs or No Carbs?
  • Sugar or No Sugar?
  • No Cold Food or Drinks?
  • No Hot Food or Drinks?
  • No Spicy Food?
  • Exercise or No Exercise?
  • What kind of Wig?-one like your own hair or one for fun?...by the way I'm totally getting fun ones๐Ÿ’
  • Scarves or No Scarves? so you're incognito...
  • Hats with attached hair?
  • No Alcohol...Wait---What???๐Ÿ˜”
I guess I'll have to take it one question at a time...


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